Terms of Service
When you purchase a High Descent addon you are guaranteed one month of usage, unless your account is deleted due to inactivity. Anything past one month will be provided if possible, but is not guaranteed.
The exception to the above statement is gold purchases. Gold bought before a seasonal reset will be lost with the reset. It cannot be transferred from one season to another.
When you purchase gold, or any other addon, there are no returns or refunds. Once the transaction is complete and you've been provided with the gold or addon the sale is final.
High Descent is a constantly changing game. When you purchase an addon, there is no guarantee that the game will stay as-is. You purchase addons knowing that if the game changes to your dislike, that there will be no refunds.
If High Descent experiences downtime there will be no refunds.
If High Descent deems it necessary you may be removed from the game permanently with no warning. All addons and gold purchased would be lost.
You may not claim to be a site administrator or authority of any type. You may not have a noble name that implies authority.
You may not engage in any malicious activity, including, but not limited to: hacking, stealing, multiple accounts, and flooding.
It is your responsibility to check back to these terms frequently for updates.